Bike (back)wheel with wheelholder | 2
Motorcycle Back Wheel + tire + wheel holder + brakes
Modeled inside C4D only using its processes and quad modeling, additionally inside the project file there is a volume mesher builder if you want a high res glued tire, you just have to make it visible and activate it.
Inside the project file, everything is left INTACT so you are in control of all the topologies you can make them LOWER or higher, you just have to go into each of them and control the subD's and splines and etc... you can also MODIFY everything you want easily cause all the extrudes, splines and lofts are left intact without making them single objects.
file types? .c4d .blend .fbx
modeled inside C4D, quads, rendered in Blender
If you use it in your builds send it to me so I can see it :)